our coffee
our coffee & products are available to purchase
(pick up or local delivery in san diego)
4oz // 8oz // 12oz // ​up to 5lb (wholesale only)
single origin
light // medium
whole beans // ground coffee
coffee tools // merch
coffee services
order coffee for pickup or delivery
events & coffee bar catering
perform ethiopian coffee ceremonies
coffee roasting education
Ben was born somewhere in the eastern part of Ethiopia.
While herding goats in the mountains, he saw something he’s never seen before in the distance. And this thing was moving very fast. Ben ran after this thing to investigate and actually caught up to this thing and got on this thing. Ben was discovering a car for the first time in his young life! This car would actually take Ben on an adventure to another world. Ben would eventually end up in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia where a white woman would take a photo of him and he would be adopted by a family in Maine! Ben does not know the name of the place where he came from or the names of his parents. But what Ben remembers is eating ripe wild coffee cherries in the mountains while herding goats.
Stay tuned for updates